Monday, August 8, 2016

United Way's Open Your Heart to a Senior Helps Thousands Live Better


Longtime educator Paul Kasunich serves as professor at Gwynedd Mercy University, where he teaches doctoral and masters students in the School of Education. Alongside his professional commitment to education, Paul Kasunich makes it a point to volunteer in his community frequently. He currently supports the Open Your Heart to a Senior initiative in Pennsylvania.
United Way helps senior citizens feel safe and independent through its Open Your Heart to a Senior program. This initiative focuses on the 35,000 seniors who live by themselves in Allegheny County. Many of the area’s older residents dearly wish to remain in their own homes, but sometimes need a helping hand.

Open Your Heart to a Senior pairs local seniors with trained volunteers. These devoted individuals help out around the house, provide transportation, and make sure their older friends are connected to appropriate community resources.

Program volunteers provide an average 30,000 hours of service each year, helping them reach nearly 4,000 seniors. Their efforts have proven successful, as most participating senior citizens report feeling safer in their homes.